Sunday, September 28, 2014

Cherry Blossom Painting

The student results from 
my last art workshop.
Acrylic Paintings from 2nd-6th

Crocker Art Museum Workshop

Thirsty Faith

By:  Rachel Allen Dillon

Finding light.
     The horses put all of their faith in their leader
                                    as she guides them to water in the desert.
          Warm ocher.
Thirsty blue.
           The shadows of the canyon wall are like looming
                                             imprisoning traps.

- I wrote this yesterday when I was at a writer/art workshop at the Crocker Art Museum. It was inspired by the painting I saw in one of the exhibits.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Fifth Session of Summer Art Camp

Here are some student samples of some of the projects done over this week of camp.
4th Grader - Oil Pastels 
3rd Grader - Acrylic
4th Grader - Acrylic

1st Grader - Pencil

4th Grader - Crayon &

Kindergartner - Oil Pastel

3rd Grader - Collage

5th Grader -Watercolor
3rd Grader - Collage

Monday, September 1, 2014

Fourth Session of Art Camp

Here is a sample of camper's work for the fourth session.
1st Grader -
Watercolor Pencils
Kindergartner -
Watercolor Pencils
Fourth Grader - Acrylic Paint
& Watercolor

Fourth Grader - Watercolor

Sixth Grader - Acrylic

Fifth Grader -
Third Grader -
Watercolor & Acrylics 
Sixth Grader -
Watercolor & Photo Paper

Third Session Camp Artwork

Here is a sample of the Third Session Camp Artwork:)
5th Grader Watercolor & Acrylic

5th Grader Acrylic

5th Grader Oil Pastel

4th Grader Watercolor & Crayon

5th Grader Oil Pastel

Watercolor and Acrylic

1st Grader Markers