Thursday, September 19, 2013

Jelly Fish Paintings

Acrylic versus Watercolor

During this workshop, the kids dedicated almost all of their time to creating amazing pieces. While their acrylic painting base layer dried they started their watercolor pencil and crayon resistant part. Both pieces subject matter are jellyfish. It was a perfect opportunity for the students to see how different the mediums worked with the same subject. A jellyfish is a water animal, so painting it with a more fluid medium really works. But, you'll be impressed by the acrylic results as well!

Second Grader - Watercolor
Sixth Grader - Acrylic
Sixth Grader - Watercolor 

Second Grader - Watercolor

My Acrylic Example

Fifth Grader - Acrylic

Seventh Grader - Acrylic
Fourth Grader - Acrylic
Fourth Grader - Acrylic

Fourth Grader - Watercolor
Fourth Grader - Watercolor

Second Grader - Acrylic
Fifth Grader - Acrylic

Fifth Grader - Acrylic

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