Monday, April 18, 2011

YouTube Showed me How to Paint Clouds

Clouds in my "Great Indian Bustard" painting
Landscape painting scares me, mostly because I don't know how to do it. 

In my next picture book, "Through Desert Eyes," I am really pushing myself outside my artistic comfort zone. I'm not going to ignore the place these magnificent animals live in, which means I must embrace painting landscapes...ugh.

So, today I went on YouTube and started off with how to paint clouds. I just spent the past two hours painting the storm clouds in the piece above, and I actually like it.

I'll be spending some more time on the details of the clouds and rain, but I'm pretty happy with what I've got. My parents spent all that money to send me to college, where I majored in art and graphic design, and I'm learning technique through YouTube! Ha!

Tomorrow, I'll be going back to YouTube to learn to paint the rest of the landscape.


Elizabeth Varadan, Author said...

Those are beautiful clouds, Rachel. Fantastic!

Christina Mercer said...

Absolutely beautiful!! Youtube is awesome, to be sure, but so is having your artistic talent ;-))

RAD - Dot Painter said...

Thanks so much! The painting is moving along, thankfully.

Angelica R. Jackson said...

Wait, those aren't dots! Very nice though.