Thursday, December 15, 2011

Ouch Critiques Can Hurt!

Being critiqued is painful, and wonderful and painful. Jessica Silva took the time to critique the first 700 words of my novel. I've rewritten this part so many times I've lost count. Her advice is priceless, and did I mention painful? 

Every time I submit for critique I wait with baited breath to hear those words, "I LOVE IT! It's wonderful! I wouldn't change a thing!" Alas, I'm not there yet. It stings, but I'm an artist by trade and know that in order to improve I need to keep learning and working hard.

If you'd like to see my critique, visit Jessica's blog. She is a 23-year-old intern for the amazing agent Elana Roth at the Johnson Literary Agency and writer of YA. I highly recommend visiting her blog


Angelica R. Jackson said...

You must have found this after the meeting, since you only mentioned the query critique. She commented on a lot of the same things that caused me some confusion or distraction. You could submit your revised version for the conference thing and get even more feedback.

RAD - Dot Painter said...

Good idea!

RAD - Dot Painter said...

Okay, maybe pain was a harsh word to use. After getting a critique I should do a couple of laps, leave the house, watch "Parks & Rec," tell the cats not to scratch the furniture, and read my kids a book at bedtime first. Then I'll come back and do a blog entry;)

Angelica R. Jackson said...

It think rather than pain, for me it's that initial shock and then readjustment to your thinking (that we've talked about so many times in our group)

Jessica Silva said...

I totally understand. I've definitely felt that sting before :( and sometimes it takes me a day to recover, sometimes a week. at worst: a month! that was a long month, too. but once I get over it, I'm always better off for it, I'd like to think. and I'd like to think I've helped you, too :)